Friday, January 28, 2005

oh my gawd!

So, in a continuation of the last post, I forgot to tape The O.C. last night. So if anyone knows what happened and can describe it to me in colorful terms that make me feel as if I'm reliving it, then call, e-mail or text-message me now.

I'm still hopelessly far behind in my television watching and really, truly don't see any relief in sight.

I watched an episode of Third Watch last night and was relieved that they killed off C.T. Finney. I realized the other week that it's been a long, long time since we've seen the fire station guys and even the e.m.t. guys (and girls) aren't getting too much time. Although I'm not really all that into Carlos' relationship with Holly either. That guy makes the rest of us look like prize-winning catches.

I'm also like two weeks behind on Lost. I'm not even sure what's going on on The O.C. I'm pretty well caught up, somehow, on Joan of Arcadia. I feel like it's been an entire season since I've seen an episode of Gilmore Girls and now that High School Reunion is over there's new episodes of One Tree Hill (which I tried to buy the soundtrack of on iTunes today but it wouldn't take my credit card (or any credit cards apparently) and I was mad). Veronica Mars is even passing me by.

I blame a lot of this on my new cable system which won't let me change channels with the VCRs because it's all run through these fancy little boxes with a weird, eerie blue light coming from them but actually being able to change the channels would mean more tv I don't have time to watch. Really the blame goes to sleep, school and extra-curricular activities.

AND, I'm so pissed that after I get Oxford Networks to come in and install my new cable and I finally get the Adelphia monkey off my back, that, one week to the day of installation, I get a flyer in the mail saying that Adelphia now has DVR. I'm tempted to switch back but I'd feel bad since those nice ON guys drilled holes all through the house for that cable. And I get Boomerang now. Maybe they'll just wise up and get the DVR stuff going too.

Friday, January 21, 2005

What is happening to me?

Last night I actually forgot to set the VCRs therefor missing "life as we know it," "Joey," "The O.C." and the second episode of "Point Pleasant." I got home and realized my mistake before missing "E.R." (phew)

But if you know me, you know this is a very unusual happening. And the worst part was, I didn't really even care. At least not that much. Okay, that's a lie. I do care. A lot.

I've decided my next "big" electronics purchase is going to be a DVR/DVD-R that doesn't require a subscription service (sorry, TiVo). Got any suggestions?

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

A feeling of vague disappointment

I can tell it's the middle of winter because it's freezing outside (it's been hovering in the single digits for a couple of days now) and I'm growing dissatisfied by television. I've noticed this for the past couple of years and am finding it difficult to deal with because I love tv so much.

For instance, I watched last week's ER the other night and while it was a good episode, it wasn't as riveting as the previews had made it seem and I was left, at the end, with this less-than-fresh feeling. It just didn't do it for me. Now, I'm not sure that this malaise can be accredited to a just slightly less-than-stellar episode (very little Carter, too much of Weaver being involved in the episode but not actually in the episode, Camille Winbush (Bernie Mac) as the girl who was accidently shot and was incredibly whiny) or the winter blahs. It's hard to tell.

I'm also not nearly as excited for shows on a week-to-week basis. The finale of High School Reunion (my personal guilty pleasure) was last night and I still haven't watched it. I think the second wave of the 2004-2005 television season (Point Pleasant, NUMB3RS, etc.) need to get under way for me to really feel like things are back to normal.

I've recently switched to Oxford Networks cable and aside from having to figure out which channel is which all over again, I'm super happy with it. Hello to you all, VH1Classic, Turner Classic Movies and Outdoor Life Network. It's got this cool little box that glows blue on all the TVs around the house and if they would get some kind of DVR thing going, I'd be the happiest man on Earth.

I'm out of time now so I'm going to cut this short but I'll be back soon with more details into my heavily-involved television watching habit.

Thursday, January 13, 2005

Nothing to Say

I keep looking at the list of my posts thinking to myself, "Self, it sure has been a while since you've posted anything." So here's a post.

I've been trying to get all caught up with my TV watching before class starts again next week.

Somehow I've missed a couple of episodes of some of my favorite shows. I missed what looked like a good episode of "life as we know it" and I feel like I've missed episodes of a few other things but that's probably just me being overly worried. Stupid midseason slump. I always feel like there's stuff I'm missing but I think it might just be the new shows taking their places and the other stuff will come back soon.

Anyway, I've seen the first couple of episodes of Medium and I like it. But that might just be the Patricia Arquette part talking. I read an article on the wire today that said that the most interesting thing about Medium is how it compares unfavorably with NUMB3RS, a new show coming to CBS later this month. I'm not sure how much I buy that though since their argument was that it was an even more in-depth look into the science that makes CSI's Gil Grissom so fascniating, which is the opposite of how I feel about that show.

I've also caught the first few episodes of Committed which is definitely not good television and I don't see it getting any better. The two main characters and the male buddy character (one of the guys from that Urkel show) are good. There is a weird story line involving one of the guys from the Bob Newhart show (the handyman) and Bob Newhart even had a little cameo guest spot in the first episode (how do they do it?). And the girl who married Melissa Etheridge plays the nanny who lives across the hall from the female lead character. But the show itself is simply not very funny. The heavy-handed laugh track takes away from the jokes that are funny and punctuates the ones that fall flat. Even with a complete overhaul, I think it would be hard to put this show back on track.

I was VERY disappointed to hear that the WB has cancelled The Mountain. And just when I was getting inappropriately attached to the women on the show (especially Maria (= foxy)). *sigh* Hopefully Anson Mount and Oliver Hudson can find new places to hang their hats and hopefully it won't be anywhere near Mitch Pileggi. But as soon as we can bring any of the girls from that show back to television television will be a better place.

And the hardest part to believe about this move is that North Shore is still on on Fox. The only good story line on this show is the Frankie/Tessa (who really should come back to The O.C. - double duty anyone?) part which is almost solely based around the fact that Tessa is so HOT. But has anyone else noticed that funny "divot" on her nose?

My guilty-pleasure reality show (which quite frankly has sucked a little this year) High School Reunion is ending after this week's final episode and I must admit I'm saddened by this. Gianni and Loretta are a bit more loosely together than you might have predicted and while Nikol has trashed the heart of an (I'm sure) now-bitter Eze, she does seem happy to be back with Jim (even though I'm sure that's not really going to last too long). And I can't seem to get into the romance between bad-boy Brien and Torrie despite her impressive assets. But this episode is the prom and no matter what else happens, it'll be fun to see.

I'm a couple of episodes behind on Lost now and I have to admit I'm a bit homesick for my deserted-island clan. I'll probably do back to back watchings tonight so I'm sure I'll be back with more unadulterated praise for the only J.J. Abrams show I like.

Anyway, this has gone on long enough and now I'll say good-bye. Until next time folks.

Sunday, January 09, 2005

Still at zero

What I'm wondering is why is the only comment I've received on any entry that I've made in either blog is from some dude I don't even know. This is bugging me. I know a lot of you have tons and tons of free time and I think you must be having a hard time coming up with more and more things to buy on eBay so you should read my blog instead.

I'm actually thinking of starting another one too. But I might just make the Working Together one a bit more inclusive. We'll see.

Anyway, now for some shout-outs, since I realized I haven't talked to some of you all in ages.

A big "What's up?" to Laurie (still in NYC, who knows?), Tom (Motley Crue or what dude?), Sherm (does he have a phone? is he even living in a house?), Doug (didn't get a chance to see you in P.I. hope the trip went well), Chris (I still play your last album on my show. I'll have to get the next one too), Eric (what's he doing?) Mike (last time I knew he was on a weirder schedule than I am), Nick (married and still a gamer - what a life), the other Mike (off to college pretty soon aren't ya?)

Also think I should include a solicitation of sorts. I know a couple of you are in bands. If you send me stuff that you made (or even just send stuff you like), I'll play it. It's so much fun to say "This is my friend's band. Check them out."

The rest of you, I talk to on some kind of a normal basis so I'll just say hi again and let that be that. Remember this little wormhole works both ways and I would say I respond to all of the e-mails I receive. Hint, hint.

In the famous parting words of Robert Murphy (whom no one can seem to find - any leads?)

Friday, January 07, 2005

I figured out how to post pictures...

Thursday, January 06, 2005

I Heart Lots

1.) I've watched Napoleon Dynamite twice so far and I still can't decide if it's absolutely brilliant or just a collection of really dumb crap that makes a funny movie. But John Gries as the uncle (look him up on, you'll know who he is) and Tina Marjorino (who I just realized is the computer genius on Veronica Mars) make the movie more than just a pop culture radar blip and the bizarre internet love hook-up and the as-good-as-Travolta dance number make it more than just a collection of its parts. I'm still working my way through Door in the Floor but I've seen this one twice. Go figure.

2.) High School Reunion is so addictive. The bitchiness seems to have worn off a little bit but the previews for upcoming episodes hint that it may come back in force. I'm still waiting for last season to come out on DVD though.

3.) Looking for now-famous guest stars on reruns of "Boy Meets World" has become one of my favorite "hobbies" of late. The other night I spotted Charisma Carpenter as the girl Will Friedle made out with on the New Year's party train. The guy who plays Gary on "What I Like About You" was also on the train. And the supermodel that Will Friedle lost track of was someone I recognized but can't quite place. Ethan Suplee is a regular. Many may recognize him as the best friend guy from "The Butterfly Effect" and also as the guy who called Shannen Doherty Brenda in "Mallrats." Look here for a complete list (note all The Monkees)

4.) That catchy little ditty that I'm sure I recognize as a surf tune I used to love that they play on those ubiquitous new Chevy commercials. No words but still catchy as all get out.

5.) This one has been going on for a while but I'm of the opinion that "The Replacements" with Keanu Reeves, Rhys Ifans, Orlando Jones, John Favreau and Gene Hackman among others is a great movie. Not only is it a passable sports movie it somehow also manages to be a convincing romance as well. The girl Keanu ends up falling for is the typical girl-next door type (with all the sports movie requisites - a love of sports, owns a bar and is the hottest of all the cheerleaders) but it doesn't make the developing romance any less sweet.

Monday, January 03, 2005

Rush, Rush

It's come to my attention that there are certain shows that I just can't wait to see. Since I tape all the prime-time television I watch (which has the added convenience of allowing me to skip all the commercials), I usually have a stack of anywhere from five to twenty-five tapes full of television shows sitting on top of - or at least near - one of my televisions. I usually also try to watch everything in nearly a chronological order so that I don't skip over stuff and then miss episodes and stuff like that. But some shows are just too good for this and for those I make exceptions.

These are the shows that have me hooked (not necessarily in order of importance):

The O.C. - This one has had me from the get-go. From Seth's witty one-liners to Summer in a Wonder Woman suit and the upcoming experimental Marissa episode, I can't just let this one sit there. Every week, without fail, I manage to catch this one at my earliest possible convenience.

American Dreams - I've recently been reading a lot of articles, reviews and blurbs that are saying what I've known for two seasons now: This is one of the best shows on television. Some of the characters are annoying, some the guest stars are annoying and some of the story arcs are just dumb but at the same time the opposite is true much more frequently. I've found myself engrossed in the stories of every character (except maybe Will) and Daphne Zuniga as a Playboy Bunny is inspired casting. But that's just a start. Early episodes are on DVD and new episodes are back on every Sunday night.

Lost - I love that the opening credits is just a slow rotation of the word LOST. I love that the season is about half over and I don't feel like I really know all that much about what's going on. I love that Matthew Fox has found a new home on television (albeit a deserted island). I love this show.

High School Reunion - Reality television always seems so contrived and I'm sure the producers of this show picked people for the friction they knew would ensue but even scripted television is rarely this good. They seem to be recycling sound bites more often this season than in past seasons but that doesn't make it more lame and the sniping and cat-fights promise to get even better.

Desperate Housewives/Gilmore Girls (tie) - Between the gleeful treachery of the women of Wisteria Lane and the sometimes glib but always playful banter of the folks in Stars Hollow, I often can't decide which mood I'm in. But either way, I'm always entertained.

Honorable Mentions

New Joys
Joey, Veronica Mars, life as we know it

Returning Favorites
That '70s Show, ER, Third Watch, Eve

Guilty Pleasures
One Tree Hill, Smallville, The Mountain, North Shore

I'll get back to these later.