Sunday, January 09, 2005

Still at zero

What I'm wondering is why is the only comment I've received on any entry that I've made in either blog is from some dude I don't even know. This is bugging me. I know a lot of you have tons and tons of free time and I think you must be having a hard time coming up with more and more things to buy on eBay so you should read my blog instead.

I'm actually thinking of starting another one too. But I might just make the Working Together one a bit more inclusive. We'll see.

Anyway, now for some shout-outs, since I realized I haven't talked to some of you all in ages.

A big "What's up?" to Laurie (still in NYC, who knows?), Tom (Motley Crue or what dude?), Sherm (does he have a phone? is he even living in a house?), Doug (didn't get a chance to see you in P.I. hope the trip went well), Chris (I still play your last album on my show. I'll have to get the next one too), Eric (what's he doing?) Mike (last time I knew he was on a weirder schedule than I am), Nick (married and still a gamer - what a life), the other Mike (off to college pretty soon aren't ya?)

Also think I should include a solicitation of sorts. I know a couple of you are in bands. If you send me stuff that you made (or even just send stuff you like), I'll play it. It's so much fun to say "This is my friend's band. Check them out."

The rest of you, I talk to on some kind of a normal basis so I'll just say hi again and let that be that. Remember this little wormhole works both ways and I would say I respond to all of the e-mails I receive. Hint, hint.

In the famous parting words of Robert Murphy (whom no one can seem to find - any leads?)


At 12:44 AM, Blogger Meaghan said...

Jason, since I appreciate your comments in our baby blog, I am responding to your diatribe. Tthe lack of comments may have to do with the fact that you have to register to leave a comment. I'm sure this is too troublesome for many of your readers. Anyway, I'm proud of your blogging. Keep up the good work! (Pat was very appreciative of your Jessica Alba photo.)


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